Habiturf: A Low-Maintenance Solution for Lawn Lovers

If you are looking for a landscaping solution to Texas’ extreme weather conditions but aren’t ready to say goodbye to your lawn, now is the time to consider Habiturf, a mix of native grass species that was developed through the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center at The University of Texas at Austin. Habiturf is comprised of three native grass strains: buffalo grass, blue grama and curly mesquite. It establishes quickly and requires little maintenance—including minimal watering and less frequent mowing and weeding—and it looks great.

Habiturf gets the seal of approval from Andy Smith, a Barton Hills resident and friend of Blairfield Realty. When he moved into his property in 2001, there was not a blade of grass on the entire lot; the former homeowners had replaced it with a foot or so of pebbles throughout. Since then, he has tried two types of Zoysia grass and one type of Bermuda. Neither has established and held up as well as the Habiturf he planted in April 2012. Plus, because the Habiturf came in seed form instead of the sod he had previously laid, it was a much more economical choice. “With sod, there would always be areas of the yard where the grass wouldn’t take. The Habiturf seeds sprouted with limited watering and provided even coverage, even in areas where other grasses wouldn’t grow. In the heat of the summer or coldest winter days, it goes dormant but doesn’t die back the way other grasses have. Plus, it needs almost no maintenance and no chemicals, which is important with us living right above Barton Creek.”

Andy Smith, Barton Hills Resident

If you’re considering a native lawn for your home, now is the time to start planning, as spring is the best sowing time. The Wildflower Center provides detailed instructions and lots of good information about Habiturf on its website. You can order the seed directly from the site or from Douglass King Seeds—either way, a portion of all sales will be donated for research to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. Good luck!

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