Blairfield Realty wants YOU to be a part of Austin’s biggest city-wide volunteer event of the year! Spearheaded by the Austin Parks Foundation, this year’s It’s My Park Day will take place on Saturday, March 5 and attracts thousands of volunteers to help improve parks and greenbelts throughout the city. Last year, the event drew some 3,000 volunteers who contributed 10,000 hours of volunteer labor to nearly 100 projects city-wide. That’s equal to five full-time park maintenance employees. Put another way, 2015 volunteer efforts, including labor, represented an investment of over a quarter of a million dollars for Austin’s parks!
Projects range from tree planting to clearing out invasive plants to mulching, painting and more. There’s something for everyone, and help is needed at convenient locations all over town. To learn more and register, visit the Austin Parks Foundation website today.
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