Tau Ceti: Austin’s Tallest Public Artwork

Photo Credit: Renee Dominguez

If you haven’t done so already, be sure to check out the impressive new mural on the city parking garage at Brazos and 2nd Street, near the Austin Convention Center. A gradient color spectrum reaching 10 floors up the northwest corner of the garage, it measures a whopping 103 feet, making it Austin’s tallest public artwork.

The mural, which was completed in November 2018 by Austin-based, Transylvania-born artist Josef Kristofoletti, is named “Tau Ceti” after a star in the constellation Cetus that is spectrally similar to our own sun. According to Kristofoletti, it references unity and diversity, creating a complete spectrum that he believes is an apt symbol for downtown Austin.

The project was part of a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) to upgrade the parking structure with an additional east-facing entrance (it was originally built with only a west-facing entrance). It covers 3,811 square-feet of wall space within an indented corner of the building. Check out a cool time-lapse video of the mural’s creation here, and learn more about Josef Kristofoletti by visiting the artist’s website.


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